
  • Divorce Litigation

    - If a couple is not able to read a mutual divorce agreement, a court decision is needed to resolve the case, known as a judicial divorce

  • Divorce Mediation

    - When a mutual agreement between the two parties is a possibility, this is a system allows disputes to be resolved more quickly than a ruling through divorce litigation

  • Spousal lawsuit

    - This is a lawsuit against an adulterer (affair partner) who engaged in an extramarital affair with the plaintiff¡¯s spouse and contributed to the end of the marriage, in which alimony is claimed to compensate for the psychological damage suffered by the plaintiff.

  • Sex crimes

    - These are crimes related to sex and refer to criminals act committed against another person's will.
    - Rape, forcible molestation, quasi-rape, quasi-forcible molestation, filming using hidden cameras, forcible molestation in the workplace, etc.

  • Property crimes

    - It refers to a crime that is committed by infringing upon the property rights of others and causing property damage.
    - Fraud, breach of trust, embezzlement, corporate breach of trust, etc.

  • Violent crimes

    - It refers to a crime committed by committing violence against another person or by using a weapon (dangerous object).
    - Assault, aggravated assault, crimes of retaliation, robbery, etc.

  • Other crimes

    - Crimes that do not fall under any of the previous categories

  • Occupational Injury Insurance

    - It refers to legal procedures for workers who have been injured on the job, public officials (police, fire, soldiers, etc.), and victims injured in traffic accidents to receive fair compensation.

  • Case

    - Occupational accident and illness, Commuting accident, Investigate & Reinvestigate of OII, ETC

  • Center for foreigners

    - As the number of foreigners increases, foreigners residing in Korea face visa problems, delayed payment of wages, or wrongful conviction due to racial discrimination and language barriers.

  • Labor Cases

    - Unpaid wages, Unfair dismissal, Lack of severance pay, Others (sexual harassment/harassment/obstruction of work, etc.)

  • Immigration Cases

    - Visa issues (extension/change of stay period, etc.), Application for temporary release from detention (illegal immigrants), Cancellation of forced eviction, Cancellation of departure order, etc.